Hair Extensions Salon Nyc ! Shlomi Mor

Virgin Russian Hair Extensions 


A lot of places say that they use Russian hair BUT they don’t. The reason for this is simple - Russian hair is not only more expensive it is also more difficult to source while Indian hair is readily available in large quantities and extremely cheap to buy.

Why Choose Russian Virgin Hair Over Indian Hair?

While Indian hair is finer and provides a good match for a Western women’s hair it is only available naturally in dark colours. It is also collected in such large quantities during tonsuring ritual the that the hair invariably gets tangled. To fix the problem of tangling the hair is subjected to an aggressive acid treatment to strip the cuticle layer. Then to get the dark hair light the hair has to undergo a further bleaching process. The hair is then coated with silicone, which gives it an artificial healthy look. In the beginning the hair is shiny and beautiful, but after a month of wear the silicone layer starts to wash away leaving the hair fragile with a dull matt appearance. This is one of the reasons why Indian hair is often paired with keratin bonds, an attachment technique where the hair cannot be reused and must be replaced every 8-10 weeks, as hair quality becomes less important when it has a shorter lifespan.

While Russian hair provides an excellent texture match for Western women’s hair it is considered to be the best because of diet. Diet greatly influences hair quality and the best hair comes from rural Russian communities where the diet is simple, high in nutrients and vitamins and low in sugar, salt and processed animal fats. In order to provide our clients with the best hair Shlomi Mor offers Virgin Russian hair. This hair never been bleached or chemically treated and is collected in individual ponytails such that all the cuticles are facing the same direction from root to end. This ensures that the hair does not tangle or matt and will behave exactly like your natural looking hair. For more info:
Virgin Russian Hair Extensions
In this pic  below Virgin Russian Hair  in Tape in Method with Color correction by Shlomi Mor. 


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